
The Asia-Pacific IT&T Awards web site details the winners from 2001. The parent company Anderson Technologies Pty Ltd is listed as the winner of the “Best IT Innovation – Games” award for the Queensland region.

This entitled the recently formed subsidiary company VerityVR Pty Ltd company to show and demonstrate a proto-type VR system based on the OTCI invention at the 2002 Asia-Pacific region finals held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. While not the winners in this competition much was learned regarding the necessary technology and business development required to penetrate the Asian and wider markets.

E3 Results

31 Game players were surveyed at E3 on Saturday 23/2/2002 and the results are summarized below:

96% of respondents said they enjoyed the experience with comments such as “Revolutionary“, “Awesome“, and “Very Cool“.

93% of respondents said they would recommend the technology to others with comments like “Needs refining but yes“, “New experience in gaming technology” and
I think I could see a big future“.

74% of respondents said that level of game immersion was greater than a keyboard/mouse/monitor interface.

63% of respondents said that they would buy a unit, dependent on price, with 35% of respondents giving personal contact details.

33% of respondents said it was easier to use than a keyboard/mouse/monitor although it should be noted that all respondents received no pre-training, had 5 minutes in the VR and yet all managed to fly the obstacle course with some being able to accomplish almost immediately.

General comments indicated, in general, that all thought the technology had great promise but required further refinement in terms of integration in a ‘First Person Shooter’ game application.