1/11/2007 Tourists in Queensland have a new attraction at Tjapukai. VRG-1 proves that immersive VR is fun. Availability for bookings to be announced soon.

1/10/2007 Staff and Acceptance testing successfully completed. VRG-1 proves that immersive VR is ready for the mass tourism market. Testing results prove that VRG-1 delivers where other mass market VR systems do not.

16/09/2006 The first live demonstration of the VRG-1 unit running the current Tjapukai Dreamtime Simulation.

22/06/2006 VerityVR completes the “Tjapukai Dreamtime Simulation” project at the Tjapukai Aboriginal Cultural Park and receives a glowing report from the independent government hired expert. Another Queensland State Development success story. You can request a copy of the independently conducted assessment of the project from The Manager, Technology and Commercialisation, Queensland Department of State Development, Trade and Innovation.

01/12/2005 The design and construction of a new containment structure to ensure the safety of users and spectators while facilitating high volume throughput.

01/05/2005 The “Cyber Hand” makes its first appearance and quickly becomes a natural intuitive tool for manipulation of objects within the virtual world.

01/03/2004 New lightweight ergonomic helmet design developed and successfully tested.

26/02/2003 The COMET program is completed successfully.

27/11/2002 VerityVR is granted funding under the Innovation Start-Up Scheme (ISUS) program. This Queensland State Government funding for the development of a virtual reality attraction at the Tjapukai Aboriginal Cultural Park.

03/09/2002 VerityVR attends the international Entertainment Applications finals at the Asia Pacific Information Communications Technology Awards. ( APICTA )

01/08/2002 Publication of Australian Provisional Patent #PR2966 on the invention of an Optical Tracking Computer Interface ( OTCI ).

25/07/2002 Boardroom pitch at Newport Technology Fund offices in Sydney resulting from Ernst & Young Conference.

16/06/2002 Demonstration of OTCI technology at Ernst &Young Technology Partnering Conference at Sanctuary Cove on the Gold Coast.

06/06/2002 Demonstration of OTCI technology to the Honourable Member Tom Barton, Minister for State Development and the Small Business Advisory Council.

01/05/2002 VerityVR Pty Ltd, a subsidiary of Cairns-based company Anderson Technologies Pty Ltd is incorporated as the commercialisation entity of the virtual reality OTCI technology developed by Anderson Technologies Pty Ltd.

23/02/2002 ATPL demonstrates OTCI technology at Queensland Gamers League (QGL) event E3 and amazes users. See Spudd’s review and results.

25/10/2000 Anderson Technologies Pty Ltd attends the Queensland APICTA Awards 2001 as a participant in the “Best IT Innovation – Games” category and wins. This entitles ATPL to entry in the international APICTA finals to be in held in Kuala Lumpur in September 2002.

11/08/2000 Anderson Technologies Pty Ltd is granted funding by COMET ( Commercialising Emerging Technologies ), a federal government initiative, to develop our OTCI technology and hardware to a marketable stage.